Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Worship The King - A Christmas Meditation

*The following is the Christmas Mediation that I shared at The Arabic Baptist Church of Newton last Friday night. Verbatim. So if you were there, please proceed expecting heavy repetition. Merry Christmas =)


The story of Christ's birth reminds us of a very important truth, it is this: Every great story and king has a humble beginning. Even as we have seen in our last election, both Obama and Romney were trying their hardest to convince the voters that each of them had a humble, lowly start. That each of them had struggled like many of us and had overcome many trials and challenges. Being humble is being relatable. It is so with our King. Jesus, the king of kings, had a humble start. He was born in a manger - that is where you feed your  animals. He humbled himself, taking on the form of a servant, in order for us to relate to him.

Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”

(Matthew 2:1-2 ESV)

We observe here a few things:

  • Jesus was born 'King of the Jews'
  • The wise men sought Jesus
  • The wise men came to worship Jesus
At the time of Jesus' birth not much was different from our day. People were still very busy, as it is with us this time of the year. Joseph and Mary had a lot going on, just as most of us do today. Mary was pregnant and had no where to give birth. The nation had a census which caused a lot of traveling just as we have seen during our elections last month. They also had a national crisis involving the murder of about 20 little children under the Hands of King Herod as we have also just experienced with the Connecticut middle school shootings. There were stars in the sky, wise men traveling, babies being filled with the Holy Spirit in the womb, barren women becoming pregnant, a virgin pregnancy, angels appearing, priests becoming mute, shepherds seeing angels and a lot of craziness.

And we see in the middle of all that - Emmanuel - God with us. Right when it is most busy, most crazy, most chaotic, most problematic, that is when Jesus comes. Jesus initiates with us. He want us as his people, he seeks after us like a shepherd is after a lost sheep. He is saying 'slow down' this holiday season and come worship me as the wise men did. 

If Jesus the baby could talk at the time, what would he have asked for? Would he have asked for gold, frankincense and myrrh? I think he would have been perfectly satisfied with the wise men's worship. If Jesus could ask for anything this Christmas he would ask for your worship. That is what he desires. "But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him". (John 4:23 ESV) Jesus here tells us that this is the heart of God, it is after true worshipers. That is what he desires, seeks, and wants - it is that true worshipers would worship the father in spirit and truth. 

There is a beautiful promise in James 4:8 that says "Draw near to God and he will draw near to you". How true is it that Christ has already taken the first step and he is calling all men and women to him. Especially this season as some of us are rejoicing and others grieving, as some are care-free and others burdened, as some are feeling fantastic and others overwhelmed. Christ is calling all to come and worship him. Christ is calling us all to come and spend time with him and give him our worship as a gift this Christmas. And his word promises that when we draw near to him, He will draw near to us.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

How Can A Young Man Keep His Way Pure?

Last night at Youth Group we did Bible trivia. It was a lot of fun. At the end of the night there were 5 happy ones who had each won a $5 gift card to Starbucks. We played Swords Up and then another game which I made up - where I say the Bible verse and whoever gives me the reference wins (Book name is 1 point, Chapter number a 2nd point and Verse number a 3rd point). The big idea was to encourage them, and myself, to memorize more scripture.

There are many benefits to memorizing scripture, but I will only highlight one, using two verses from Psalm 119. Holiness.

How can a young man keep his way pure?
        By guarding it according to your word.
(Psalm 119:9 ESV)

I have stored up your word in my heart,
        that I might not sin against you.
(Psalm 119:11 ESV)

The writer here says something very interesting, namely that he 'stored up' God's word in his heart so that he 'might not sin'. This is a very frank and to-the-point word about our sanctification. In our struggle against sin, as we strive for holiness, the psalmist offers a very practical approach. How do I stop sinning? By guarding my heart according to God's word. How do I do that? By storing it - hiding it, memorizing it - in our hearts!

I will leave you with this short video by John Piper, and I hope you are encouraged to memorize more scripture, not just for getting better at Bible trivia, but to keep our way pure.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

From Gordon-Conwell - November Update!

Hello friends and family!

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving =) In this season, I have much to be thankful for. I am first of all very thankful to have each one of you as a part of my life. You have all been a great blessing to me and I’m fortunate to know you. I’m also very thankful for your prayers and financial support, which enables me to be here at seminary and to pursue God’s will. I thank God for you all and pray for each of you by name, that you would know His love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God (Eph 3:19).

Studying in community has been another great experience for which I’m very thankful. Having friends to go to class, study and do life with has really enhanced the learning environment for me. I love the accountability and the support, as well as the influence we all have on one another. Classes are going great, and I am doing well academically. I also had several opportunities to participate in exciting outreach events over the past month. On halloween night, I went to evangelize in downtown Salem with my friends from seminary. We passed out a lot of tracts and prayed with many people. Also, this past weekend, myself and the rest of the church’s worship band had the opportunity to play Christmas carols at the Arsenal Mall in Watertown.

Thank you for reading this update and for being a part of my journey. This alone means so much to me. I would like to request prayers for my brother who is moving to Chicago in January to go to school at Moody Bible Institute; that God would continue to fill him, lead him, guide him and provide for him. Please also pray for my finals which are less than two weeks away; that I would prepare adequately, study hard and do well. Thank you again and I’d like to leave you with the words of this hymn by Johnson Oatman, in the spirit of Thanksgiving:

When you look at others with their lands and gold,
Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold;
Count your many blessings. Wealth can never buy
Your reward in heaven, nor your home on high.

Count your blessings, name them one by one,
Count your blessings, see what God has done!

In Christ, 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Men I Listen To

Men I Listen To [& My Favorite Sermons/ Teachings]

I am currently sitting in my room at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminar's Main Hall. A few nights ago I had an hour drive, during which I was listening to a sermon by Justin Kendrick called 'Normal Conversation' preached on January 22, 2012. I love listening to sermons, it's a great way to redeem your commute (if you drive a lot like me, or even take public transportation).

I wanted to briefly share with you some of my favorite Preachers / Teachers who love Jesus and preach the Gospel, as well as share some of my favorite sermons. These are some sermons that  continue to go back to every once-in-a-while to listen to and be reminded of things that matter. Here is my list with of recommended sermons to check out from each of the Pastors, in no particular order, I love them all.

Paul Washer: [On Prayer, click here to watch]

Mark Driscoll: [On Marriage and Men, click here to watch]

Matt Chandler: [On Defining Masculinity, click here to watch]

John Piper: [On Killing Sin, click here to watch]

Francis Chan: [On Loving Sin, click here to watch]

Justin Kendrick:[On Baptism, click here to watch] and [On Prayer, click here to watch]

John MacArthur: [On The Will of God, click here to watch]

I hope you are blessed by these men of God and their teaching as I am, and that you would be encouraged today!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

On The Bookshelf I

1- Celebration of Discipline by Richard J. Foster: Recommended to me by Monica Tawfik. The tagline of this book is 'The Path to Spiritual Growth' and pastor Foster himself says this book was written to reintroduce modern Christians to the classic spiritual disciplines. He argues that these disciplines, such as...(submission, meditation, fasting & service), should be renewed and regularly practiced among Christians.  This book is really phenomenal. My favorite chapter is his treatise on the discipline of worship. I recommend reading that chapter asap, especially if you are involved in worship or music ministry in your church. Foster also has amazing and practical sections on the disciplines of solitude and prayer. What makes the book really enjoyable is the fact that Foster is very well-read.  He is constantly quoting dead theologians (if you are into that)!

2- The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges: Talk about a practical book. The only reason I'm taking it slow with this book is because it is messing with me. I've had to repent of something every time I read in it! I recommend this book for all Christians who are struggling with and desire personal holiness.  Jerry Bridges provides some practical ways to live out the following command for scripture: "As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”(1 Peter 1:14-16)

3- Forgotten God by Francis Chan: I've wanted a good book to read on the Holy Spirit for a while and I have struggled to find one. I have found that many books I have looked at tend to display a particular denominational bias  instead of relying on scripture to inform the discussion about the Holy Spirit and his gifts. This one is different.  If you know anything about Francis Chan, he has a very high view of scripture.  In this book, he is very careful to draw on biblical truths, and he does a great job. This book has definitely challenged the way I think about, and interact with, the Holy Spirit. The book contains sections where he asks the reader to pause, read the word, pray and meditate. Such moments have been of great value to me, and are thoughtfully inserted in their proper places throughout the book. It's beneficial to anchor ourselves in the word as we learn from books, sermons and the like.  Chan also has a mini 'spirit-filled person' story in between each chapter.  These serve as practical examples of how real people are living out Spirit-filled lives.

4- No Compromise: The Life Story of Keith Green by Melody Green: This book was recommended to me by Justin Kendrick. I'm about a quarter of the way through, maybe a little less.  This is a big book!  Keith is still not a Christian, but, (spoiler alert!) I'm almost at his conversion (I think!). It's a fun book so far, especially if you are a musician.  As a fellow musician, I relate to a lot of the things that Melody writes about.

5- Things I Wish I'd Known Before We Got Married by Gary Chapman: You can guess what this is about!   But it's more than just what the title suggests. It has many practical dating tips, and ideas that I can immediately employ as a single person involved in a dating relationship.  At the end of each section there are questions to ask to yourself and your dating partner, to measure compatibility, and to assist with working out things that may become issues later on. Chapman covers many topics including doing chores, fighting, parenting styles and future goals. I would say this book is definitely more enjoyable, as well as beneficial, if you read it with a serious dating partner. It's a great book for dating couples, in my opinion.

Monday, June 18, 2012

On My Reading

Usually, when reading, I try to keep moving through a variety of books simultaneously. The pros: I never get bored, and I can sit down for awhile, working through 3 or 4 books at a time. The con:  It takes me a long time to finish a book, because I'm reading so many at once.  This is an approach to reading I have been using for quite some time.  I have settled on the following mix of books based on input from my friend, Justin Kendrick.  (Visit his blog here: A Generation Transformed.  This may not be exactly how he does it, but he has influenced me, for sure.)

• Biography: To see how other Christians have lived, and to be encouraged and motivated by other faithful lives.
•Theology: To deepen knowledge of Bible doctrine and theology matters in a systematic way.
•Christian Living: It is always important to me to be reading something practical, with principles that can be put to use immediately.
•Relevant Issues: This one can be topical, involving anything Christians may be facing or thinking about, including, and not limited to, science, or personal, cultural and social issues.
•Fiction: Yes, Christians should enjoy good fiction, to keep the creative juices flowing!  (And yes, the apostle John's The Revelation of Jesus Christ does count, because it's pretty awesome. If you don't believe me, check out Chapters 12, 17 and 20. Except that this book is not fiction, it's real!)

Shortly, I'll post some current and suggested reads.  Stay tuned!

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Power Of The Articulated Gospel

About a year ago I had a great conversation with a friend of mine as we were driving a truck full of sound equipment for the Boston Youth Conference (now the ‘One Name Boston Conference’). This friend is now studying at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The conversation revolved around our frustration with our inability to spread the gospel, particularly where we worked at the time. My friend had experienced counseling settings in which he was restricted to only secular advice. And both of us agreed: true help could only come with Biblical advice and God’ grace. It was frustrating that his job shunned the gospel.

At the same time, I had just finished working with the Peace Corps headquarters in D.C. where I was pressured to volunteer and go overseas with them. I love the Peace Corps and I think they are doing a lot of good work, but giving help to a perishing individual without sharing the gospel is pretty much useless. That is the equivalent of patting someone on the back who is unknowingly on their way into an oncoming train. Just because they may be culturally offended, according to the Peace Corps, does not create an excuse to allow people never to hear the Word of God. That’s partly why I didn’t go anywhere with them. This is even applicable to some missionaries who will go to countries for a short time and give a helping hand without sharing the gospel. We need to realize that we are only easing their trip to hell while on earth without bringing them to God. In other words, simply making people comfortable before they enter into eternal destruction and judgment is not help.

The reality of eternity must grip our souls.

Some of my youth group kids hate when I respond with Biblical advice or answer them with verses that challenge them. However, when asked for my lowly opinion on a situation, I respond that my opinion is worthless in comparison to the Bible. I was in a conference in PA recently and the pastor said that people often do not want what God has to say. They want easy personal opinions. However, we must speak the Word of God, and share that above all of our opinions. The word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joint and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart, says the writer of Hebrews in chapter 4 verse 12. Therefore, why would we ever NOT use the word of God when attempting to council, give advice, encourage, admonish, rebuke or help.

This is part of the reason I'm going to seminary. I want to be trained to serve and I want to learn and study the Bible as best as I can. I have nothing else to give to people outside of the Bible. It is supreme, inerrant and all-encompassing. It is the Word of the Living God himself. We must continually seek God's will through his Word, and do our best to live a life consistent with the scriptures. I cannot give any of 'my own' advice anymore. The best advice comes from God, and the Gospel is my answer for every problem, not because it is something I have, but because it is ALL I have.

For further studies: Listen to Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Al Mohler's sermon "The Power of the Articulated Gospel" from the Together for the Gospel Conference 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012


As I was reflecting on the meetings I've had with my partners and the entire pledge gathering process over the past several weeks, I've realized a few things.

God always opens doors that are unexpected and shows up in His time. David says in Psalm 34:10 that those who seek the Lord lack no good thing. It has been a relief to see so many people encouraged to help me with prayer and support. It has been such an encouragement to me seeing such eagerness in the faces of some of my friends as I began to share with them the great need towards which they will be bringing help.

I recently met with a friend who loves the Lord and he was sharing with me his experience of raising support. He said that those that the general calls, he equips, and provides for. If God has called me to take a step of faith in pursuing seminary and raising support, then those who commit to supporting are also taking a step of faith and will grow closer to Christ. This is part of the reason that I'm so excited about this. It's an opportunity not just for me to grow in my faith, but also for my partners as well.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Join the Adventure - Why Seminary?

After praying and discerning for God’s will, I believe He has called me to labor in the spiritually hardened soil of the greater Boston area. His call is currently leading me to the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary later this fall. But I need your help, through prayer and financial support!

I believe that God caused my family to move here to New England ten years ago, all in preparation for taking part in his mission to redeem the largely lost youth of New England.  Specifically, there is a great need for teaching the Word of Christ to the region’s educated youth. College graduates will impact the direction of our country, shape our future and lead the nation forward, but for what purpose?

There is a great need in my generation today for godly leadership and biblical teaching. There is a holy and intellectual responsibility to communicate the Gospel, both clearly and with boldness, to my unchurched generation. There are many highly educated people who desperately need the Gospel.

I am called to aerate the spiritually hardened soil of New Englanders out of its slumber. Even among the Christians of my generation there is a lack in authentic Christian living, and holiness is taken lightly. I want to change that. 

I believe God has called me to this work. By following His call on my life, I’m stepping out in faith and starting this fall at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in order to be well equipped and prepared for advancing His kingdom. 

My heart is for seeing revival sweep across New England. I want to see my generation transformed into disciples who train other disciples, who love Jesus, live holy lives, are spirit-filled and expand the kingdom of God.

But I need your help, in prayer and financially. More than just me, the world needs your help! The need is dire - to proclaim the Gospel, to see souls saved, to help mend broken marriages, to break the bonds of addiction and to equip the saints for ministry. Would you consider partnering with me to meet this need?