Monday, March 25, 2013

March Partnership Update

Hello friends and family!

I hope this update finds you well and that by now you have accustomed to dating things as 2013 and not 2012! The Lord is faithful and has brought us all to this moment and circumstance by his grace and I’m truly thankful to be sharing it with you. I appreciate the time you have taken to read my updates, remember me in prayers, and be so supportive and encouraging. This has been an intense semester, and I’m growing and learning a ton. Classes are going well; though the work load is heavy, the material is engaging and exciting. My classes this semester are Greek II, Church History, Interpreting the New Testament, and Spiritual Formation for Ministry.

The last two weekends my family and I were blessed to have my younger brother Joe join us from Chicago during his spring break. We were able to spend some time together which was really good for us, and last Saturday he went back to school to finish the spring semester. This past month has also been an exciting one for our church and youth group. As a church family, we are planning ahead for the July 4th conference and our Good Friday and Easter services, which we are so excited for in the coming weeks. I’ve also been working with the kids’ choir at Arabic Baptist and they have learned a couple of medleys which they will sing on Easter.

Last week class registration took place and I’ve got my class schedule figured out for the summer and fall semesters. It’ll be a busy summer as I’m taking two full courses in addition to participating in ministry at the church and my job, but I’m looking forward to it. I also have a trip to DC planned for next weekend, where I’ll be ministering with my friend Fares at his church, preaching at the youth meeting and leading worship at their Sunday service. On a personal note, I joined an intramural soccer team with my housemates and we will be playing once a week at Gordon College for three weeks. I am also planning a silent retreat for this week, where I take a day of silence with the Lord, which is something I’d like to make more of a monthly discipline in my life.

Thanks for sharing this with me and taking the time to read my update, I appreciate you I am praying that you would be “filled with the knowledge of his will and spiritual wisdom and understanding” (Col 1:9) I ask that you would pray for my classes, that I would have understanding and be diligent in approaching my studies. Please also pray for my trip to DC, that the Lord would give me words to say and use me while there to further his work. That’s all from me. Happy Easter! May the Joy of the Lord be your strength and may the resurrection of Christ captivate our thoughts this season!

