Monday, June 18, 2012

On My Reading

Usually, when reading, I try to keep moving through a variety of books simultaneously. The pros: I never get bored, and I can sit down for awhile, working through 3 or 4 books at a time. The con:  It takes me a long time to finish a book, because I'm reading so many at once.  This is an approach to reading I have been using for quite some time.  I have settled on the following mix of books based on input from my friend, Justin Kendrick.  (Visit his blog here: A Generation Transformed.  This may not be exactly how he does it, but he has influenced me, for sure.)

• Biography: To see how other Christians have lived, and to be encouraged and motivated by other faithful lives.
•Theology: To deepen knowledge of Bible doctrine and theology matters in a systematic way.
•Christian Living: It is always important to me to be reading something practical, with principles that can be put to use immediately.
•Relevant Issues: This one can be topical, involving anything Christians may be facing or thinking about, including, and not limited to, science, or personal, cultural and social issues.
•Fiction: Yes, Christians should enjoy good fiction, to keep the creative juices flowing!  (And yes, the apostle John's The Revelation of Jesus Christ does count, because it's pretty awesome. If you don't believe me, check out Chapters 12, 17 and 20. Except that this book is not fiction, it's real!)

Shortly, I'll post some current and suggested reads.  Stay tuned!

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